Our mission is to bring the progressive community in Oldham County together to promote democratic values, including human rights and equality for everyone, through community outreach and service projects, and to support Democratic candidates in all levels of government in order to strengthen our democracy in Oldham County and beyond.
DWOC Meetings
Our monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30PM at South Oldham Fire Department Station 1, unless otherwise noted.
We also host multiple opportunities each month to meet other Democrats in Oldham County in casual, fun settings.
Dinner with Dem Friends (co-hosted with Oldham County Democratic Party) - 1st Thursday at 6:00PM - 3rd Turn Oldham Gardens
Park Meetup - 2nd Saturday at 11:00AM - location will vary
Coffee & Conversation - 4th Sunday at 10:00AM at Crestwood Cafe
In addition, we host regular donation drives and participate in various service projects, all in support of local businesses and organizations.
Want to stay updated on what DWOC has in the works?
To be added to our email list please email us at
We promise not to inundate you with emails! Just two or three a month.

Want to support DWOC? Become a member!
Please email us or visit our Linktree for a membership form
A safe space in Oldham County